I Should Be Ashamed of Myself!

Like many of my friends  and associates who have more going on in a given day than there are hours to accomplish those tasks, I have a tendency to let things slip through the cracks. I don’t mean to, and not everything that slips through was destined not to be a priority that day. But things happen, calls come in, emails have to be returned, administrative stuff piles up, and then there are the household and life event things that have to get done each day. Before you know it, those hours have turned into days, and you look up a month later and realize you left something undone that you meant to check off your to do list weeks ago!

So I broke one of my business rules, something I even unofficially made a biz-related resolution. I’ve allowed an entire month go by without updating my blog. I know, I know. It is not the end of the world, and in the big scheme of things, doesn’t even rank high in overall importance in some people’s world, especially compared to so many other things in life. But since I preach the importance of remaining in contact with your clients, fans, business associates, etc. to those who come seeking advice or industry tips, it makes it harder to acknowledge the fact that I’m already behind on my own.

I’m trying not to beat myself up too bad. Afterall, I have at least been consistent with updating my facebook page and LinkedIn regularly. I’ve even made it a habit of tweeting (some original, some retweets) several times a week! And just a couple of weeks ago, I did update the tabs on this blog to reflect more of the information that’s outlined on my company website, such as the PR and Media Relations services that we offer. Nonetheless, I should do better about blogging, if for no other reason than it forcing me to make writing a regular part of my week.

I was deep in the process of working on completing one of my books last year when a publisher associate of mine said “slow down and redirect your time.” Of course, I’ve always known that if you want to get published, you need to complete a book proposal first. Obviously, no one wants to read an entire book to determine if they like it enough (and mostly, if they think it’s something that will sell enough) to actually devote money and time to publishing it. But sometimes, when I get those creative spurts, I want to get that next chapter done, and I can’t stop. Instead, I know I need to spend the required disciplined time of outlining all of the necessary areas of content and marketability of my work for a publisher’s review. Writing comes more natural to me than convincing someone why they should pay me for it so that others can read (and hopefully enjoy) what I’ve written.

So back to the beginning, My exercise in the discipline of writing on a more regular basis includes the consistency of a weekly blog update, with aspirations of something daily at some point in the future. Perhaps even here I can share more about my book to see if it indeed warrants enough interest from a total stranger to spend both time and money, of equal importance and value in today’s busy lifestyle economy, to engage in reading something longer than a few paragraph’s of what’s on my mind today.

I guess time will tell.